Dating Someone With Anxiety: The Dos And Donts

Towards my last couple years of streaming on Twitch, I dove into books and listened to audio content on self development. I continued this journey with multiple mentors and within months at a time, my momentum of personal development skyrocketed. I was learning things about myself and the world in a matter of weeks that may have taken years to learn without coaching and reading. It’s important you don’t push them, but just be there for their support. Make sure they’re receiving proper professional help if needed. Don’t try too hard to cheer them, because it will make them feel worse when they don’t want to disappoint you but neither aren’t able to “just cheer up”.

Developing a relationship with someone who has anxiety may depend on approaching one another with empathy as you work through uncomfortable feelings. But when both people in the relationship are aware of anxiety and treat each other’s differences with gentleness and compassion, the relationship can become a source of strength. For example, you can work together to create a plan to attend an event, so your anxious partner knows what to expect, and you can enjoy a night out together. Challenges may arise if the partner with anxiety experiences fears related to the relationship itself. Leading with empathy and patience could be a good place to start, but there are other ways you can connect with your partner and understand the world from their point of view. You can strengthen your relationship and help your partner by taking an active interest in and willingness to learn about anxiety.

So having a dating site in which people are open to a more honest connection, and learn more about the complex nature of each other’s emotions, can be a relief. Some sites have been focusing on finding dates for people struggling with depression. Those usually take into consideration that dating sites can often be stressful. People are often evaluating you on the little things you say, and mostly on how you look.

Please Read This If Social Anxiety Is Ruining Your Dating Life

This acceptance becomes even more important when your partner lives with depression. A partner trying to manage depression may not have the emotional capacity to support you as they usually would. Find more tips on creating a personalized self-care plan here. Since depression affects people in different ways, ask about their experience once you have a handle on the basic facts.

Be mentally prepared for talks of suicide

So, instead you just listen and try to be sensitive. People with anxiety never want to feel like they’re being pitied. It’s already easy for them to feel like there’s something wrong with them, like they have a flaw in the very foundation of their character that they can’t change. It’s important to treat them as normally as possible.

But the research also shows that addressing anxiety with communication and support can help considerably. One of the simplest, most supportive things you can do if you are dating someone with anxiety is to learn a bit about anxiety and about anxiety disorders. But in a healthy relationship, when we let go and learn how to build trust and love, we are less likely to be caught in separation anxiety. This is known as interdependence—the ability to be autonomous and still be deeply connected with another person. When we are vulnerable with someone in a relationship, we start to see our partner as a source of connection, safety, and familiarity. One way to get out of your head and get over dating anxiety is to focus on your date instead of yourself.

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Rather than fretting over how you look, what they think of you, or whether you are saying the right things, be a good listener and pay attention to what your date has to say. Focus on their body language, eye contact, touch, and smile. You will realize that the other person can become a welcome distraction that can make you forget all about your perceived flaws and shortcomings, albeit momentarily.

And dont leave them jut cuz they’re depressed and have anxiety. Social anxiety and depression can and often do occur together. Read on for the reasons why, as well as how to manage your symptoms. Here are six tips to help you begin dating with anxiety. Social anxiety can make dating tricky … or, if I’m totally honest, it makes it a nightmare. As someone who hates interviews, my performance on a date was never going to be great.

Talk to your partner about what they find supportive. But constantly being someones rock can take a toll on you. After all, no one can understand what youre going through better than a person who is or used to be in the same situation. Sometimes when they’re feeling especially anxious, they can be exhausting, talk extremely fast and have scattered thoughts. It’s best if you just try and listen as best you can to remain calm until this bout passes.

Often the scariest thing is opening up for the first few times, or when it’s really bad. I still struggle to tell my boyfriend how I’m feeling when I have episodes. Who wants to tell the one they love they feel “empty” “ugly” “worthless” and all of the above?

In your own mind, and as you are interacting with your partner, try to think of their anxiety disorder as something separate from them. Yes, it’s something that colors their life, but it’s a disorder, not a state of being. Additionally, anxiety disorders are more likely to affect women than men. If you find yourself dating someone who has anxiety, it’s understandable that you might have some concerns. Watching someone experience anxiety can be upsetting, and can even make you anxious or uneasy, whether or not you are prone to anxiety yourself. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals.