Top 5 Most Recent Games

The latest games aren’t always the best games of the year but they’re those that stand out the most. They’re the ones you’ll be talking about and playing long after they hit the shelves whether for their compelling stories, enveloping environments, or simply their utterly unrelenting gameplay.

XCOM 2 is a superior sequel to the original. It offers a new perspective as well as a completely revamped battle system that allows experienced players to reach an infinite ceiling. It’s among the few games that manages to feel child-friendly and mature simultaneously, with a sophisticated gameplay that doesn’t compromise its fun factor.

Brutal Legend, the very first non-Squaresoft game to make use of Unreal Engine 4, proves that old school action can be effective. The game is a riot of nostalgia, mixing the bleak beauty and splendor that are found in PS1 classics, as well as modern action games.

Spec Ops The Line is an excellent shooter with a compelling story that is more important than ever. It’s the most engaging entry to date in the series, with an sci-fi setting that’s accessible and difficult to sympathize with and a character who’s both easy to relate to but difficult to empathise.

Final Fantasy XIV is back in the good books of its fans despite the absence of content. This comes after their website a period of lows following Warlords Of Draenor. The game’s revival is due to a shift in focus on storytelling and an ongoing commitment from the development team to improve the basic experience by adding a variety of expansions, making it one of the few subscription MMOs that you’ll be able to stick with.

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